Gereelde vrae oor Iridium Airtime
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Gereelde vrae oor Iridium Airtime

Oorsig - Iridium bied 'n aantal voorafbetaalde en nabetaalde lugtydopsies om by alle soorte gebruik te pas.
Voorafbetaalde - Voorafbetaalde SIM-kaarte is beskikbaar vir wêreldwye gebruik, sowel as verskeie afslag streekopsies, insluitend Kanada / Alaska (Noordligte), Afrika, Midde-Ooste en Noord-Amerika, Suid-Amerika.
Post -paid - Post-betaalde planne bied die gerief van wêreldwye dekking sonder om bekommerd te wees dat die minute opraak.

Jou Iridium SIM-kaart sal onaktief versend word en sal nie geaktiveer word voordat jy dit ontvang en 'n aktiveringsversoek indien nie.
Herlaai - Dit is vinnig en maklik om meer minute by jou SIM-kaart te voeg . Jy kan aanlyn herlaai, per telefoon, per e-pos of per teksboodskap vanaf jou satellietfoon.
Versending - Ons bied gratis versending oral in die wêreld op alle Iridium SIM-kaarte. Gratis aflewering is deur standaard eersteklas pos en bied nie opsporingsinligting nie. Ons bied ook Express Economy en Oornagversendingdienste aan.
Iridium Northern Lights (Kanada / Alaska - Geldig 6 maande)
Die Iridium Northern Lights voorafbetaalde minuut SIM-kaart is ontwerp vir gebruik uitsluitlik binne Kanada en Alaska met alle Iridium-satellietfone, insluitend die nuwe Iridium 9575 Extreme, Iridium 9555, Iridium 9505A, Iridium 9505 en alle ouer wettige fone. Die minute is geldig vir 6 maande vanaf aktivering en rol oor solank jy hernu voor verval. 'n Grystydperk van 270 dae nadat die notule gebruik is of 90 dae na verstryking. Sodra die grasietydperk verval, sal 'n nuwe SIM-kaart vereis word.

Rekeninge Gereelde Vrae
Wat is die Iridium per minuut heffings?
Iridium minute wissel volgens plan.

Category Questions

Currently, number portability is not supported between Service Partners with Iridium Service.
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The "Blocked" message indicates that the sim pin has been entered incorrectly 3 times, and will require the PUK (PIN Unblock Code) to reset the PIN. In order to obtain your PUK code it will be necessary to contact your Service Partner for assistance.

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SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards are currently used in all GSM-based systems. The SIM card is a removable module that contains user identity and account information; when inserted into a telephone, it allows you to place or receive calls. 
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Yes you do need an active SIM card to use your Iridium voice/telephony services. We provide online services for you to activate at your conviencence. With prepaid cards you also have the ability to enable Auto recharge, this ensures no lost minutes or expiration of your service if you are traveling or "off the grid". A valid CC on file is required. 
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Yes, the 4 - digit SIM pin can be changed. For specific instructions please refer to the appropriate user manual. If additional assistance is needed, please contact your Service Partner.

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Dial 2888 (+2888 or 002888 will also work) on your Iridium phone and press the green key.

To receive an SMS message with your prepaid balance, send a blank SMS message to 2888 (+2888 or 002888 will also work). The Iridium system will respond with the number of remaining ISU-PSTN minutes in the account, the number of days until the account expires, and the date and time (GMT) of expiration in English.


The prepaid balance is calculated based on ISU-PSTN minutes. If you place a large amount of ISU-other satellite calls, the announced minutes will be higher than actual. If you place a large number of ISU-ISU calls, the announced minutes will be lower than actual.

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Your service may have been suspended due to a negative account balance. Your SIM card will remain suspended until you can recharge the account with additional prepaid units. If this account is not recharged, it will remain suspended until it expires. You will need to contact your Service Provider to recharge your account.

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The ability to dial a toll free number is determined by provider of the toll free number.

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